- Amazingly satisfying. -- Richard W., Trial Lawyer

Click here to download a Free Trial.

  • Try ECCO outlineZOOM & editMAGIC for 90 Days, after that keep it for as little as $19.99 for personal use, $49.99 per system for business and institutional.

  • Like magic, ZOOM in to any item, instantly. Pull items indented to the center and right side of your outline instantly to the left side for easy viewing and editing.

  • Divide your ideas and workflow into as many sublevels as you want, and ZOOM in anywhere, as if it were a top level item.

  • Instantly bring your ideas into focus.

  • In and out ZOOMINGautomatic ZOOM mode, and more...

  • magicEDIT mode instant activation.  Simplifies block editing, naturally.

  • Enter acts as an enter, tab as a tab. Control+Enter for new items, Control+Tab to make item a sub-item.

  • Made for XP, Vista, and Win 7, most features work also in most windows '95 and '98SE systems.

  • Fully compatible with internalized EccoMV (MagicView) panes only with single pane viewing.


Click here to add instant ZOOM! and seemless block editing to your ecco

outlineZOOM & editMAGIC Beta Reviews

    "been wishing for this for 10 years. THANK YOU!!." -Pat R., Designer

    "a 100% change to EccoPro!" -Daniel, England

Take a look!